Chapter 17. Of the Rut and Vault of Harts. Harts commonly begin to vault about the middest of September, and their rut continues about two months; the older they be, the hotter they are, and the better beloved of the Hinds. The older Harts go sooner to vault than the young, and they are so fierce and so proud that until they have accomplished their lust, the young Harts dare not come near them; for if they do, they beat them and drive them away. The young Deer have a marvellous craft and malice; for when they perceive the old Harts are weary of the rut and weakened in force, they run upon them and either hurt or kill them, causing them to abandon the rut, and remain masters in their place. Harts much sooner kill each other when there is scarcity of Hinds; for if there be Hinds plenty, they separate themselves one from another, and hide themselves in one place or other. It is a pleasue to behold them when they go to rut and make their vault; for when they smell the Hind, the...