Diaprunum Simple, more rightly called Lenitive - Nich. Take a hundred Damask Prunes fresh and ripe; boil them in a sufficient quantity of water till they be soft, then draw the pulp of them through a sieve, and in the liquor they were boiled in boil an ounce of Violet flowers, strain it, and in the decoction dissolve two pound of Sugar ( they might have set down how much decoction there must be; I suppose you may boil the violets in three pints till one be consumed ), and boil it into a syrup, then add of the pulp spoken of before, a pound; pulp of Cassia and Tamarinds, of each an ounce. Then, put in these following powders, of White and Red Sanders, Spodium, Rhubarb, of each three drachms; Roses, Violets, the seeds of Purslain, Endive, Barberries, Gum Tragacanth, Liquoris, Cinnamon, of each two drams; of the Four Greater Cold Seeds, of each one drachm. Make them into an electuary according to art. It may safely and is with good success given in acute, burning, and al...