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To the End that when they appear more in their Proper Colours, they will be rendered a Hissing.


The Ranters' Ranting
with the apprehending
and confession of John Collins
I. Shakespear
Th. Wiberton
and five more
which are to answer to the next sessions
and several songs or catches
which were sung at their meetings

their several kinds of mirth and dancing
their blasphemous opinions
their belief concerning heaven and hell
and the reason why one of the same opinion
cut off the heads of his own mother and brother
set forth
for the further discovery
of this ungodly crew

printed by B Alsop

Die Veneris
1 Martii

Ordered by the PARLIAMENT
that the thanks of this House be given to Mr OWEN
for his great pains taken in his SERMON
preached yesterday before the PARLIAMENT
at Margaret's Westminster
(being a day set apart for publick humiliation)
and that he be desired to print his SERMON
and that he have the like privilege in printing
as others in like cases usually had. 

that Sr William Masham
do give the thanks of this House
to Mr OWEN

Hen. Scobel
Cler' Parliament

I appoint PETER COLE
to print my Sermon

John Owen

Courteous Reader

having perused a printed sheet entitled
The Routing of the Ranters
and finding that many things are totally omitted
and other things minced and come short of the truth which might have been said
and having taken the advice of some friends
(well-wishers to the present government)
concerning some passages which I have gleaned
either from such as have accidentally happened in the society of that kind of people
or else were at the apprehending of some of them
and heard their examinations before the Magistrate
it is thought fit and necessary
that there should be a more perfect discovery of them
to the end that when they appear more in their proper colours
(according to their deserts)
they will be rendered a hissing
and by word to the nation
and that if any of them pertain to the Election of Grace
they may return from their wickedness and live
for that which I shall relate proceeds not from rancour and bitterness of spirit
but merely for the love of the truth
that they may be distinguished and known
and that which the Apostle calls pure religion and undefiled
may shine with the more splendour
for if these notorious Atheists
(who if it were possible to excel the Devil in wickedness)
are not nipped in the bud
it is feared that it presage some sad omen to this nation
which that the Almighty will divert is the constant prayer of him

that is thine in any office
of Christian love

ye despisers
vvonder and perish

Upon the first day of November 1650
(towards evening)
came one Shakepear
that called himself a warrener
one John Collins
a glover
one Wyberton and four others
to the house of one Middleton
at the David and Harp in Moor Lane
in the parish of Giles Cripplegate

where some of them being known
they were soon admitted into the best room in the house
and entertained by the woman of the house
who long before was suspected to be one of the Ranting crew
when they had continued many hours in the house
and it grew something late in the evening
when the street was void of noises
and sober men prepared to go to bed
these people were heard to sing blasphemous songs
in the tune of David's Psalms
and many uncivil words and actions
were perceived and heard to pass amongst them
which put it into the hearts of some of the neighbours
to acquaint the Constable therewith
who being desirous to suppress disorders
as willing to bring such wicked persons to condign punishment
he took some others with him to apprehend them

but to make the fuller discovery of this wicked pack
one that had some acquaintance with an active Ranter
went alone to the door where this wicked company were
and enquired of John Collins that opened it
whether such a one were not amongst them?
who replied
he was not there yet
but was expected

asking him
if he was of his acquaintance?
to which the party answered
that he was

then Collins took him about the neck
and kissed him

fellow creature

with this
the party came into the room
where the like ceremony was offered by the rest
(some women being sat amongst them)
presently after
one of the men let his breeches slip down
in the middle of the room
and another ran and kissed his buttock
and called to the rest to come kiss their God

and after the passing away of a little more time
in blasphemous words and uncivil behaviour
a joint of meat and some other things
were brought and set upon the table
about which they flocked like brute beasts
without any order or sign of reverence
but on the contrary
one of them laid hold on the meat
and tearing it to pieces like a dog
both for himself and the rest of his fellow creatures
in a beastly manner he let a great fart
and as it gave report he said these words

let everything that has breath
praise the Lord

in the midst of which profane and wicked words and behaviour
came in the Constable and apprehended them
who thinking them to be given over to commit all manner of wickedness
thought good to search their pockets
for fear they might have some dangerous weapons about them
to do mischief
and in searching them
he found two written papers stuffed with very blasphemous matter
which are not fit to be made publick
especially until such time as they have received their trial

when this was done
the Constable brought them downstairs into another room
and himself and others reproved them for their wickedness
in the midst of which reproof
one of them that were taken took a candle
and made as though he did seek for something he had lost
and being asked what he sought for
in a jeering and disdainful manner
he answered that he sought for his sins
but there were none
and that which they thought so great unto him
was so small that he could not see it
by which it appears that they hold forth an opinion
that sin is no sin
for which opinion 
an officer of the army was lately cashiered
and his sword broken over his head at the head of the regiment

but to return to that which I was relating before
the Constable finding them desperately incorrigible
and hardened in their iniquity
carried the said Collins
Shakespear and five others
to the Compter
who had been accompanied with Mrs Middleton herself
had she not privately made an escape

the next morning
they were brought before Sir John Wolaston
and charged with the matters before recited
as also that they had sung vile and filthy songs
to the tune of Psalms
and uttered many oaths
or asseverations of oaths
and execrations
some of which were 
ram me
damn me
and it being demanded of one of them
what they meant by these words
he said by the word ram they meant God
and many other things of this nature were confessed by them
Sir John sent them to Bridewell
where for a time they beat hemp
and are bound over to answer for their offences
according to law
the next sessions

having given you the true relation of this meeting
with the manner of their discovery
and some passages concerning their examinations
I shall proceed to some other instances to show
the vanity of this mad crew
(of which their be too many)
for all pleasures which are not reduced to honesty and necessity
are reproachful and evil
and especially those two of touching and tasting
do draw men most to offend in vice and uncleanness
and for as much as all occasions and opportunities
whereby the people are trained and drawn away
to live dishonestly
wickedly and intemperately
are to be shunned and avoided

take in the next place some particulars of another meeting
which they had near Thames Street
(not long before the Act was made against blasphemy
and another Act for whoredom &c)

as soon as they came together
they coupled men and women
choosing their mates
and when they had fitted themselves in that kind
there comes into the room a man with a pottle of sack
and a glass in his hand
uttering these words

where doth God want any wine?

to which presently answered
one that had his minion on his knee

here! here!

at which words 
the glass of sack was given him
and he drank to his fellow creature
(as he called her)
and so it went round
after this they fell to singing filthy songs and catches
which are not fit to be published
for satisfaction sake
I shall give one of their songs to the first scene
when they began to act upon the Devil's stage
what everyone pleased 
according to the fullness of the wickedness
in his own heart
which was taken to the window
and in truth is the least offensive of any I have heard
otherwise I should have had more modesty
than to have made it publick

The song that was sung at the first meeting together of the Ranters

This is the merry meeting of
the creatures set apart
to exercise their liberty
and teach the mother's art

if Adam were deceiv'd by Eve
it was because he knew
not how to exercise the gifts
which nature did indue

the slavish terror that men have
and thoughts of hell to fear
is unto us a laughing stock
we give to it no ear

some men another world do prize
of which they have no measure
let us make merry, sing and dance
there is no heaven to pleasure

which we enjoy with sweet content
a short life and a merry
is all the heaven that we expect
let's drink off our Canary

the fellow creature which sits next
is more delight to me
than any that I else can find
for that she's always free

yet whilst I speak of loving one
let no mistaking come
for we that know our liberty
in loving all love none

but for to satisfy our lust
and beastly appetite
not caring what we do or say
so we may take delight

then let us rant it to the fill
and let our love too range
for it hath wings and they are freest
that in their loves do change

This song being ended
they went to revelling 
till ten of the clock the next day
by which time
they having satisfied themselves with chamber exercise
they fetched a walk towards Smithfield
and went into Charterhouse Lane
where they had a lesson played on the organs
danced mixed dances
and had an antick masque
and during the time of the masquing
the music that played
was the treble-viol
the hand-cymbal and tongs
after this the organs went anew
to the tune of a Psalm
after this
some of the creatures went into rooms apart
to milk and fodder
and others
(whose chiefest pleasure was in drinking)
sung this catch following

a drinking song

Drink today and drown all sorrow
you shall perhaps not do't tomorrow
best while you have it use your breath
there is no drinking after death
wine works the heart up, wakes the wit
there is no cure 'against age but it
it helps the headache, cough and tissick
and is for all diseases physick
then let us swill boys for our health
who drinks well loves the Commonwealth
and he that will to bed go sober
falls with the leaf still in October

Unto this I shall add another
somewhat pertinent to the business
a gent of quality
(as I am credibly informed)
meeting with a gentlewoman of his acquaintance
after a salutation
how do you
and a little familiar discourse
he told her he was indifferent well in health
but wanted a stomach
whereupon she replied that if he pleased to come to her lodging
the next day
she doubted not but she should find something
to which he had an appetite
for which courteous invitation
in a civil manner he returned thanks
and promised a visit the next day 11 of the clock
at which time according to appointment he made good his promise
and being invited up unto her chamber
he found her in her night array
and after the first greeting was over
she asked him how he found his stomach?
he replied that it was as when he left her the day before
she then said that she hoped it would soon be regained
and on the sudden
instead of putting on her day apparel
disrobed herself of what she had on
and appearing in nothing but her smock
asked him how he liked her
and whether his stomach would not come to him?
to which he replied that he understood not her meaning
but he hoped to have a stomach to his victuals when it was before him
then she said
I will try that presently
and immediately presented herself to him naked
saying fellow creature
what say thou to a plump leg of mutton
(striking her hand upon her thigh)
with the cates that are now in thy view?
which strange carriage of hers
did so appal this virtuous gentleman
that he 
(in blushingwise)
wondering at the shameless uncivil carriage of her
of whom he had better confidence
which may be read and commended for a badge of his virtue and chastity
and characterise the deserved infamy of the lascivious behaviour of her
that was empty of all goodness
and discover her to be a true proselyte of Coppe and Claxton
and the rest of that infernal gang
which have been the dispersers of a diabolical opinion
that there is neither heaven nor hell
for otherwise she could not be so audacious

Having named Coppe
I cannot let it pass without a word or two of what he is
he is one that not long since assumed the pulpit
in a noted church in London
and in a most wicked manner blasphemed and cursed for an hour together
a pox of God take all your prayers
and being charged before he came down with uttering blasphemy
he said that he would answer what he had done
and for this and other things of like nature laid to his charge
he is now in Newgate
and to discover what might be said of him alone
would fill many sheets of paper
at this time I have promised brevity
I shall only add to that in the pulpit
a passage of his on an ale-house bench

which is this

when he had drunk very hard
and the woman of the house
to avoid disorder
desired him and his company to depart the house
he said
God damn me
thou need not fear
the Devil confound me
thou art in heaven
by God's blood and wounds
thou art saved

which put the woman into such a fright
to hear his curses and blasphemies
that she trembled and quaked some hours after

I thought to have given you many particulars
but I hope these are sufficient to satisfy all good people
concerning the wicked practices and blasphemous opinions of this generation
which have too long increased
and from what has been said by way of discovery
take warning and avoid their company
which may prove dangerous to the body as well as the soul
for I am able to justify that one Evan ap Bevan
born of good parentage near Bishop's Castle in the County of Salop
was for many years a constant hearer of the word
yet afterwards fell into strange opinions
and would admit
no sacrament
no baptism
no duty
no obedience
no Devil
no hell
in a short time after his fall into these grand errors
(the Devil growing strong with him)
that for no other cause but that they were conscientious
and finding an opportunity
he cut off the heads of his own mother and brother
for which he was hanged in chains near Shrewsbury.



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