Confectio de Hiacyntho.
Take of Jacinth, Red Coral, Bole Armenick, Earth of Lemnos*, of each half an ounce;
* Terra sigillata.
the berries of Kermes, the roots of Tormentil and Dictamni, Citron seeds husked, the seeds of Sorrel, Purslane, Saffron, Myrrh, Red Roses, all sorts of Sanders, Bone of a Stag's Heart, Hart's Horn, Ivory, of each four scruples; Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, Pearls, Raw Silk, the leaves of Gold and Silver, of each two scruples; Camphire, Musk, Ambergris, of each five grains.
With Syrup of Lemons, make them into a confection according to art.
It is a great cordial and cool, exceeding good in acute fevers and pestilencies; it mightily strengthens and cherishes the heart.
Never above half a dram is given at a time, very seldom so much; not because of its offensiveness, I suppose its chargableness.
Confectio Humain - Mesue.
Take of Eyebright, two ounces; Fennel seeds, five drachms; Cloves, Cinnamon, Cubebs, Long Pepper, Mace, of each one drachm.
Beat them all into powder, and with clarified Honey, one pound, in which boil juice of Fennel, an ounce, juice of Celandine and Rue, of each half an ounce, and with the powders make it into an electuary.
It is chiefly appropriated to the brain and heart, quickens the senses, especially the sight, and resists the pestilence.
You may take half a dram, if your body be hot, a drachm, if cold, in the morning fasting.
Antidotum Haemagogum - Rom.
Take of Lupins, two drachms; Black Pepper, five scruples; Long Birthwort, Mugwort, Cassia, Lignea, the seeds of Macedonian Parsley, Pellitory of Spain, the seeds of Rue, Spikenard, Myrrh, Pennyroyal, of each two scruples and fourteen grains; the seeds of Smallage, Savin, of each two scruples and thirteen grains*;
* Bare weight.
Centaury the Greater, Carrots of Crete*, Nigella, Caraway, Annis, Cloves, Alum, of each two scruples;
* I suppose they mean the seeds of those following.
Bay leaves, one scruple, one half-scruple and three grains; wood of Aloes, one scruple and fourteen grains; Schoenanth, one scruple and thirteen grains; Asarabacca, Acorns, that is, Common Calamus, Aromaticus, Amomus, Peony, Centaury the Less, the seeds of Arrach and Fennel, of each one scruple and six grains; Cyperus, Elecampane, Ginger, Caper roots, Cumin, Crobus, of each one scruple.
Beat them all into a very fine powder, and with four times their weight of Honey, make them up into an electuary according to art.
It provokes the terms, brings away both birth and afterbirth, the dead child, purges such as are not sufficiently purged after travail. It provokes urine, breaks the stone in the bladder, helps the stranguary, dysury, iskury, etc. Helps indigestion, the cholic, opens stoppings in the belly; it heats the stomach, purges the liver and spleen, consumes wind, stays vomiting.
But let it not be taken by women with child, nor such people as have the haemorrhoids.
Nicholaus I take to be the author of this fantastical medicine - though the College give it a more general term - and the virtues also are quoted from him. The dose is from one drachm to two drachms.
Diaireos Salomonis - Nich.
Take of Orris roots, one ounce; Pennyroyal, Hyssop, Liquoris, of each six drachms; Tragacanth, White Starch, Bitter Almonds, Pinenuts, Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, of each three drachms; fat Figs, the pulp of Raisins of the Sun and Dates, of each three drams and a half; Styrax Calamitis, two drachms and a half; Sugar dissolved in Hyssop Water and clarified Honey, of each twice the weight of all the rest.
Make them into an electuary according to art.
The electuary is chiefly appropriated to the lungs, and helps cold infirmities of them, as asthmas, coughs, difficulty in breathing, etc.
You may take it with a Liquoris stick, or on the point of a knife, a little of it at a time and often.
Diasatyrion - Nich.
Take of the roots of Satyrion fresh and sound*,
* Look the Simples, and there you shall find those directions you have need enough of.
Garden Parsnips, Eringo, Pinenuts, Indian Nuts, or if Indian Nuts be wanting, take the double quantity of Pinenuts, Fistick Nuts, of each one ounce and a half*;
* The author appoints seven drams.
Cloves, Ginger, the seeds of Annis, Rocket, Ash Keys*, of each five drams;
* viz. the seeds within them.
Cinnamon, the tails and loins of Synchus, the seeds of Bulbus*, Nettles, of each two drachms and a half;
* I know not what English name to give it.
Musk, seven grains; of the best Sugar dissolved in Malaga Wine, three pounds.
Make it into an electuary according to art.
Either the College or the printer left out Cicer roots, seven drams, which I think are proper to the receipt; they also added the loins of the Scyncus and the Nettle seeds, and in so doing they did well.
It helps weakness of the reins and bladder, and such as make water with difficulty; it provokes lust exceedingly, and speedily helps such as are impotent in the acts of Venus, being indeed compiled to that end.
You may take two drams or more at a time.
Diasatyrion more pleasant - Colon.
Take of Satyrion roots three ounces; the pulp of Dates, Sweet Almonds, Indian Nuts, Pinenuts, Fistick Nuts, Green Ginger, Eringo roots preserved, of each one ounce; Ginger, Cloves, Galanga, Long and Black Pepper, of each one scruple; Musk, two scruples, Penidies, four ounces; Cinnamon, Saffron, of each half an ounce; Malaga Wine, three ounces; Nutmegs, Mace, Grains of Paradise, of each two drams; Ash Tree seeds, the bellies and loins of Scynchus, Borax*, Benzoin, of each three drams;
* Commonly called Benjamin.
wood of Aloes, Cardamoms, of each two drachms; Been, White and Red, or in lieu of them the roots of Avens and Tormentil, of each one dram and a half.
Let all the Simples, being beaten into powder, be made up into an electuary with two pound and a half of Syrup of Green Ginger according to art.
This also increases seed, causes desire of copulation, and breaks wind.
Use it as the former.
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