Athanasia Mithridatis - Galen.
Take of Cinnamon, Cassia, Schoenanth, of each an ounce and a half; Saffron, Myrrh, of each one ounce; Costus, Spignel*, Acotus**, Agrick, Scordium, Carrots, Parsley, of each half an ounce; White Pepper, eleven grains; Honey, so much as is sufficient to make it up into an electuary according to art.
* Meum.
** Water Flag perhaps they mean. See the root in the Catalogue of Simples.
It prevails against poison and the bitings of venomous beasts, and helps such whose meat putrifies in their stomach, stays vomiting of blood, helps old coughs and cold diseases in the liver, spleen, bladder and matrix.
The College has made some pretty alteration in the quantities of the Simples, but not worth the speaking of. The dose is half a drachm.
Diacapparis - Gilbert of England.
Take of Capers four ounces; the roots of Agrimony, Nigella seeds, Squils, Asarabacca, Centaury, Pellitory of Spain, Black Pepper, Smallage, Thyme, of each one ounce; Honey, so much as is sufficient. Make it into an electuary according to art.
They say it helps infirmities of the spleen, and indeed the name seems to promise so much. It may be good for cold bodies, if they have the strength of nature in them.
Methinks 'tis oddly composed; the next looks more lovely in my eyes, which is:
Diacinnamomu - Mesue.
Take of Cinnamon fifteen drams; Cassia lignea, Elicampane roots, of each half an ounce; Galanga, seven drachms; Cloves, Long Pepper, both sorts of Cardamoms, Ginger, Mace, Nutmegs, wood of Aloes, of each three drachms; Saffron, one dram; Sugar Candy, five drachms; Musk, two scruples, with clarified Honey, two pound and eight ounces.
Boil it, and make it into an electuary according to art.
There is in the receipt of Mesue Cumin seeds, half an ounce, which is here left out; whether wittingly or unwittingly, I neither know nor care. Out of question, the receipt is better they being in than being out.
Also, I can give no reason why it should be boiled; if the Musk and Saffron be boiled, they will be spoiled. You had better not boil them at all; it may do harm, cannot do good. If there be too much Honey to make it up, take less.
I cannot stand calculating the due proportion in every receipt.
Diacinnamomum, or in plain English a Composition of Cinnamon, heats the stomach, causes digestion, provokes the terms in women, strengthens the stomach and other parts that distribute the nourishment of the body; a drachm of it taken in the morning fasting, is exceedingly good for ancient people and cold bodies, such as are subject to dropsies and diseases of phlegm or wind, for it comforts and strengthens nature much. If you take it to help digestion, take it an hour before meat. Do so in all things of like quality.
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