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Sugar Candy and Diatragacanthum.


Species Electuarii de Gemmis Calidi - Mesue.

Take of Troches, Diarhodon, Wood of Aloes, of each five drachms; White Pearl, Zedoary, Doronicum, Citron Peel, Mace, the seeds of Basil, Ambergris, of each two drachms; Red Coral, White Amber, Ivory, of each five scruples; Sapphire, Jacinth, Sardyne, Garnet, Emerald, Cinnamon, Galanga, Zurumbet*, of each one dram and a half; Bean of both sorts, or instead of them, the roots of Avens and Tormentil, Cloves, Ginger, Long Pepper, Indian Spikenard, Saffron, Cardamoms the Greater, of each one dram; leaves of Gold and Silver, of each two scruples; Musk, half a dram.

* Round Zedoary.

Make them all into a powder, and keep them close-stopped from the air.

The truth is, both these powders are of two heavy a price for a vulgar man's purse. They help afflictions of the heart, stomach, brain and liver, vain fears, melancholy, tremblings of the heart and faintings; they help digestion, and take away sadness, and because the latter seems to be something hotter than the former, though neither of them exceeds in heat or coldness, if you find the body afflicted by cold, you may give the hotter, if feverish, the cooler. 

You may take half a drachm at a time in any cordial water. 

Species Electuarii Diairies Simplicis - Nicholai.

Take of Orris roots half an ounce; sugar candy and Diatragacanthum frigidum, of each two drachms. Beat them into a powder.

I do not mean the Diatraganthum frigidum, for that is in powder before. It comforts the breast, is good in colds, coughs and hoarseness. You may mix it with any pectorial syrups which are appropriated to the same diseases, and so take it with a Liquoris stick. 

Species Dialaceae - Mesue.

Take of Gum Lacca prepared, Rhubarb, Schoenathus, of each three drams; Spikenard, Mastic, juice of Roman Wormwood, and Eupatorium*, the seeds of Smallage, Ammi, Fennel, Annis, Savin, Bitter Almonds, Myrrh, Costus or Zedoary, the roots of Madder, Asarabacca, Birthwort Long and Round, and Gentian, Saffron, Cinnamon, dried Hyssop, Cassia, Lignea, Bdellion, of each a drachm and a half; Pepper, Ginger, of each one drachm.

* Maudlin.

Make of these a powder according to art.

According to Mesue, you ought to dissolve the Myrrh and Bdellium in wine, and together with the Simples beaten in fine powder, make it into an electuary with a sufficient quantity of clarified honey. 

The College gives you more latitude, but all to as little, if not less purpose. 

It strengthens the stomach and liver, opens obstructions, helps dropsies, yellow jaundice, provokes urine, breaks the stone in the reins and bladder. 

Half a drachm is a moderate dose. If the patient be strong, they may take a drachm in White Wine. Let women with child forbear it. 


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