Capitulo ix. The complaint of the Bear upon the Fox. I complain to you merciful lord sire King so as you may see how that I am handled praying you t'avenge it upon Reynard the fell beast for I have gotten this in your service I have lost both my foremost feet my cheeks and my ears by his false deceit and treason the King said how dare this false thief Reynard do this? I say to you Bruyn and swear by my crown I shall so avenge you on him that you shall me thank he sent for all the wise beasts and desired counsel how that he might avenge this over great wrong that the Fox had done then the counsel concluded old and young that he should be sent for and dayed earnestly again for to bide such judgement as should there be given on him of all his trespasses and they thought that the cat Tybert might best do this message if he would for he is right wise the King thought this counsel good Capitulo x. How the King sent another time Tybert the Cat for the Fox, and how Tybert sped with...