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Showing posts from May, 2023

A Shrewd Token and a Sign of Harm.

  Capitulo ix. The complaint of the Bear upon the Fox. I complain to you merciful lord sire King so as you may see how that I am handled praying you t'avenge it upon Reynard the fell beast for I have gotten this in your service I have lost both my foremost feet my cheeks and my ears by his false deceit and treason the King said how dare this false thief Reynard do this? I say to you Bruyn and swear by my crown I shall so avenge you on him that you shall me thank he sent for all the wise beasts and desired counsel how that he might avenge this over great wrong that the Fox had done then the counsel concluded old and young that he should be sent for and dayed earnestly again for to bide such judgement as should there be given on him of all his trespasses and they thought that the cat Tybert  might best do this message if he would for he is right wise the King thought this counsel good Capitulo x. How the King sent another time Tybert the Cat for the Fox, and how Tybert sped with...

Suspicions enough of the French Pox.

  Chapter XIII. How it may be known what part of the body is afflicted. That this may be known, for 'tis not only possible but also probable, be pleased to consider: If the sign of the Lord of the Sixth possesses, especially if he be an unfortunate or a fortune unfortunated. ( Here the Lord of the Sixth or afflicting the Sixth shall signify the disease. ) And then consider what part of the body the sign he is in governs, as Aries governs the head, Taurus the neck and throat, &c., and be sure that part is afflicted. ( viz. the planet that afflicts the Sixth or planets there. ) Consider what part of the body the afflicting planet rules, what sign, which are under that sign, and you need not question but that's afflicted. For example, Venus though she rule many parts of the body, yet in Scorpio she rules only the privities. ( viz. that planet being in the sign of Venus in Virgo rules the privities &c. ) ( Good rules also you may observe, and I think not amiss, though any p...

Sir Bartolt with the long fingers.

  Capitulo viij. How Bruyn ate the honey. Bruyn uncle I supposed ye had japed therewith so help me God Reynard nay, I should not gladly jape with you Then spake Red Reynard is it then earnest ye love so well the honey? I shall let you have so much that ten of you should not eat it at one meal might I get therewith your friendship? ten of me nephew Reynard? said the Bear how should that be? had I all the honey between here and Portugal I should well eat it alone Reynard said what say you uncle hereby dwells a husbandman named Lantfert who has so much honey you should not eat it in vij. years which you shall have in your hold if you will be to me friendly and help against my enemies in the King's court then promised Bruyn the Bear to him that if he might have his belly full he would truly be to him before all other a faithful friend hereof laughed  Reynard the shrewd and said if you would have a Hamburg barrelful I shall well get them and help you have them these words pleased t...

So deeply by the ears and in such a hubbub.

  Chapter XII. How to know whether the disease be in the mind or in the body. All the aphorisms of my author upon this question are got so deeply together by the ears and in such a hubbub that I know not in the world which way to go about to reconcile them. Every following aphorism thwarts him that goes before; in one he affirms that the Sun, Moon and Ascendant rule the body, and their lords the mind, the very next aphorism affirms the contrary. Most of them contradict one another in such a hideous manner that I was forced to leave their company and search other authors for a resolution of this point, and they conclude that the Sun, Moon and Ascendant signify the body, and their lords the mind. And if this may be taken for truth, the directed aphorisms are these: The Sun, Moon and Lord of the Ascendant impedited, and their lords safe, show the disease lies in the body and not in the mind.  If their lords be impedited and they safe, the disease lies in the mind, and not in the ...

You may almost whip a Snail as fast.

  Chapter XI. How the nature and kind of the disease may be found out by the figure of the Decumbiture. The nature of the disease is to be found out three ways, first by the Houses of Heaven, of which the Sixth, Seventh and Twelfth signify diseases; by the nature of the signs, of which fiery signs signify choler and diseases thence proceeding, earthly signs the diseases of melancholy, aery signs diseases of blood and wind, watery signs diseases of watery and salt phlegm; by the planets themselves and their aspects. All this I shall make clear by this subsequent discourse, before which I shall premise these following aphorisms. If Saturn signify the disease, 'tis like to continue long enough, if not too long; yet if he be with benevolents, it mitigates, if with malevolents, it increases the evil. Saturn in Leo or Capricorn with the Dragon's Head or Tail, or with Venus combust, or with violent fixed stars, he stirs up pestilences or other pernicious fevers that are little better....

Let everyone that desires to be called by the name of artist have his wits in his head (for that's the place ordained for them) and not in his books.

  The particular parts of the body under the several signs of the Zodiac, and the Houses in the heavens in a celestial scheme. Under Aries is the head, and whatever belongs to it, as its bones, the face, brain, hair, beard, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth &c, whatsoever in man is above the first vertebra of the neck. Under Taurus is the neck, throat, the vertebrae of the neck, which are in number seven. The chanel-bone, the shoulder blade according to my opinion. Also, Taurus has again signification in the voice, for he will roar like a bull. Under Gemini are the shoulders, shoulder-bones, arms, hands, fingers, together with their bag and baggage. Under Cancer is the breast, ribs, lungs, pleura, the ventricle of the stomach, women's breasts, the liver, spleen &c, and yet Doctor Reason told me the other night that the spleen was under Virgo. Under Leo is the heart, the back, and the vertebrae of the breast, which are in number twelve; the pericardium; some authors say, the s...

The Fox sorrowed somewhat in his heart.

  Capitulo xij. How Reynard the Fox came another time to the court. dear nephew all these things pass come herein and see what I shall give you a good pair of fat pigeons I love no meat better they are good to digest they may almost be swallowed whole the bones being half blood I eat them with the other I feel myself the otherwhile encumbered in my stomach therefore I eat gladly of light meat my wife Ermelyn  shall receive us friendly but tell her nothing of this thing for she should take it over-heavily she is tender of heart she might for fear fall in some sickness a little thing goes sore to her heart and tomorrow early I will go with you to court and if I may come to speech and may be heard I shall assure that I shall touch some nigh enough nephew will not ye stand by me as a friend ought to do to another? yes truly dear uncle said Grymbert ye may well come before all the lords and excuse you  there shall none arrest you nor hold as long as ye be in your words the Que...

A team of horses cannot draw me to believe that the Moon rules the taste.

  The particular parts and members of the body which the planets generally rule. Herein I must either a little be critical, or else part from my loving friend Doctor Reason. I am loth to do the latter, and therefore must make bold with the former.  Saturn, say authors, rules in the body of man the spleen, and there he keeps his court; the right ear, the bladder, the bones, the teeth, the retentive faculties throughout the body which, what is it, be pleased to see my short Treatise of Human Virtues  in the latter end of my Ephemerides for anno 1651, where you shall find not only what it is, but also what it is good for. Against all this I except but against only one, which is the bladder, for that is under the dominion of the Moon. They say Jupiter rules the lungs, ribs, sides, liver, veins, blood, the digestive faculty, the natural virtue of man which he rules, as lawyers call it, toto & solido. Besides, authors he rules the arteries and seed, but how they can bring i...

They may all fast jangle clatter

  Capitulo xj. How Grymbert the Dasse warned the Fox that the King was wroth with him, and would slay him. All these words heard Grymbert the Dasse who was his brother's son he was sorry and angry if it might have profitted he ran then the highway to Maleperduys he spared neither bush nor hedge but he hasted so sore that he sweat he sorrowed himself  for Reynard his uncle and as he went he said to himself alas in what danger be ye come in! where shall ye become? shall I see you brought from life to death or else exiled out of the land? truly I may be well sorrowful for ye be the head of all our lineage ye be wise of counsel ye be ready to help your friends when they have need ye can so well show your reasons that where ye speak ye win all  with such manner wailing and piteous words came Grymbert to Maleperduys and found Reynard his uncle there standing who had gotten two pigeons as they came first out of their nest to assay if they could fly and because the feathers on th...

The truth is, it is one of old Aristotle's opinions which crept into his noddle as he was marring Plato's philosophy.

  What diseases distinctly are under every sign of the Zodiac. Under Aries are all pushes, whelks and pimples, freckles and sunburning in the face; the smallpox and measles, polypus or noli me tangere ; all diseases in the head as headache of all sorts, vertigo, frenzy, lethargy, forgetfulness, catalepsy, apoplexy, dead-palsy, coma, falling sickness, convulsions, cramps, madness, melancholy, trembling.  Amongst all these I can justly except but against one, which is smallpox and measles. Under Taurus are all diseases incident to the throat as king's evil, quinsy, sore throat, wens in the neck, flux of rheum in the throat.  Diseases under Gemini are all such as are incident to the hands, arms and shoulders, whether they are really or by accident, as fractures, dislocations and such as come by bloodletting, corruption of the blood, windiness in the blood. And indeed I have often found by experience that Gemini signifies wind in the blood more than any other sign. I have now...

There was never lied a greater Lying therewith he has us all beguiled.

  Capitulo x. How the King was sore angry about these complaints. The noble King was sore moved and angry when he heard these complaints of the Cony and the Rook he was so fearful to look on his eyes glimmered as fire be brayed as loud as a bull in such wise that all the court quaked for fear at last he said crying by my crown and by the troth  I owe my wife I shall so a-wreak and avenge these trespasses that it shall be long spoken of after that my safe-conduct  and my commandment is thus broken I was over-nice that I believed so lightly the false shrew his false flattering speech deceived me he told me he would go to Rome and from thence oversea to the Holy Land I gave him satchel and staff and made him a pilgrim and meant all truth O what false touches  how he stuffed the sleeve with wool because of my wife it was all by her counsel I am not the first that have been deceived by women's counsel by which many a great hurt has befallen I pray and command all that hol...

Take this for a Maxim of Truth, and say I told you so.

  The diseases the planets signify. The Sun causes pimples and burls in the face, afflictions of the heart, heartburning, tremblings, faintings, tympanies, sore eyes and disease of the mouth; cramps, convulsions; all diseases of the heart and brain, and their attendants, viz. the nerves and arteries, stinking breath, catarrhs, rotten fevers. Thus authors. And if any ask why I mention no more, tell them here's more than is true. Now to the purpose. First of all, tympanies are under the Moon. I have known the Sun give a fiery disease, but never a watery.  Cramps and convulsions are under the Moon, and so are all diseases that often return, as agues do. You shall find the same in another aphorism afterwards, and although my author contradict himself, I do not delight to imitate him in that sport. The head, brain and nerves are not under the Sun, as you shall hear hereafter. Catarrhs are under either Mercury or Jupiter, or both; take this for a maxim of truth, and say I told you s...